Many games by LK Avalon had a weak protection that could easily be broken...
Description of "protection-format 1":
The game is already in standard file format, but the sectors that contain
DOS informations are deleted. A file-copy using a normal DOS is impossible.
There is a special little boot program (not bigger than 3 sectors) written to
the disk that asks for a protected sector (to make sure disk is the original).
After verifying the disk, the boot-code continues to load the game...
How to crack a game with the above
protection :
1. Make a backup of your
original disk, ignoring all errors that appear.
2. You can try a good "fixdisk" program.
(If this does not work you have to write the DOS information in
sector 361 (hex: $169) by yourself.)
3. After
successful hacking, just copy the game-file from the backup-disk to your
favorite menu-disk.
![]() (protected sector was 989 / $3DD) |
Here you can find a disk-image of "Change".
Before you can play the game you have to de-protect it... ;-) Remember that most games won't run from a DOS, so you have to use a game-DOS ! |
Many games jump to Self-Test or reboot if there is no protected sector on the
And if the game isn't packed - you'll have a good chance to crack it.
But remember never use the original !
So, what do you have to do
a) "4C 71 E4" , that means : jmp $E471 (...jump to self-test)2) Replace it with "EA EA EA", that means 3-times "nop" (do no operation)
b) "4C 77 E4" , that means : jmp $E477 ( reboot)
There is still no guarantee that this hack will work - but it works with many
games from "Krysal Software" or "Sikor Soft" !